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Bergaust, Kristin, Silina, Daina, Smite, Rasa(eds.)(2020): Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Social and

Environmental Sustainability. Renewable Futures, Issue 3 / Acoustic Space, Volume 18 Oslo/Riga: RIXC. Link to download HERE


Bergaust, Kristin and  Nichele, Stefano (2019): FeLT: The Futures of Living Technologies. Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)

Roen, Haakon Haraldsen  Varankian, Vako Vartkes Nichele, Stefano and Bergaust, Kristin (2019) Gathering of the Hive: Investigating the clustering behaviour of honeybees through art and swarm robotics

Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 2019 NO. 31, 505-506

ISBN: 978-0-262-35844-6 MIT Press

Bergaust, Kristin (2019) :  Galleri 69 og det vennlige mellomrommet  In Galleri 69 Braadlie, Gidsken,Gjelsnes, Cathrine Constanse (eds) ; (utg) 









Aure, Venke and Bergaust, Kristin (eds.) (2015). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. Bergen:Fagbokforlaget

Bergaust, Kristin (2017): Hva skal Oslo med kunstnere? Essay i  Mulighetsrom. Kunsten og kunstnernes plass i byen. Oslo: 0047, UKS, Fotogalleriet, Forbundet Frie Fotografer.

estetikk og samfunn.jpg

Muukka-Marjovuo, Alma , Kaihovirta, Hannah, Vitola, llze, Bergaust, Kristin, Hlíf Kjartansdóttir, Skúlína, , Tuovinen, Taneli (2015) “The Method Desktop”- A Boundary for collaborative creative activities. In Göthlund, Anette, Illeris, Helene and Thrane, Kirstine (eds): EDGE- 20 essays on Contemporary Art Education. Copenhagen: Multivers Academic


Bergaust, Kristin. The Making of FQ, or How to Pick up Pellets of Information in the Clouds of Fantasy. InFormation Nordic Journal of Art and Research Vol 2, Nr 2 (2013)  for more info and a full PDF

Excerpt from: Sæter, Oddrun Kristine; Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin. 
Retten til byen. En studie av byutviklingsprosesser i New York og Oslo. The Right to the City. A Study of Urban Development Processes in New York and Oslo. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus 2013 ;Volum 2013.225 s. HiOA rapport(9)

Sæter, Oddrun; Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin. 
Artists and Gentrification in Specific Urban Contexts. A Case Study from Wiliamsburg, New York. The International Journal of the Arts in Society 2012 ;Volum 6.(6) s. 67-82

Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin; Sæter, Oddrun. 
Bar Candela: Contemporary Art on the Move, in Place and

Discourse. The International Journal of the Arts in Society 2009 ;Volum 4.(4) s. 283-296

Ahmed, Salah Uddin; Mahmud, Abdullah Ali; Bergaust,Kristin. 
Aesthetics in Human Computer Interaction: Views and Reviews. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2009 ;Volum 5610. s. 559-568

Bergaust, Kristin; Trifonova, Anna; Jaccheri, Letizia.  

‘Software engineering issues in interactive installationart’. International Journal of Arts and  Technology 2008 ;Volum 1.(1) s. 43-65

DOI 10.1504/IJART.2008.019882 

Localmotives Kulturskrift (2001)
Short essay in Norwegian on the past and future of art and technology in Norway
Mare Articum. The Baltic Art Magazine
A Field Report from the Norwegian Artscape. (2000)
Essay in English on art, media  and technology in Norway
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